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City leaders working to ensure everyone in Tier 1B can get a shot if they want one

Author: Amanda Henderson (Fox 29)

SAN ANTONIO - Thousands of vaccines are set to be given out in San Antonio to those in Texas’ Tier 1B phase starting Monday.

University Hospital said all their slots were filled in less than five hours with more than 17,000 people signing up for the appointments.

Some are wondering if they missed their chance to get one since those filled up so quickly and none are additionally available right now.

We talked with city leaders who said they are doing everything they can to get them to as many people that want them, especially in the city’s most affected areas.

“I think people do know that they’re eligible. I think they just don’t exactly know to go and how to sign up,” District Five Councilwoman Shirley Gonzales said.

Thousand of people in the Tier 1B are signed up to get their COVID-19 vaccines. That group of people includes those 65 and older or anyone 18 and older with certain chronic medical conditions.

“The number of people dying and hospitalizations is heartbreaking,” District Six Councilwoman Melissa Cabello Havrda said.

City Council members in San Antonio’s south and west side districts said theirs are among the hardest hit by the pandemic.

District Four in San Antonio’s Southwest side had the highest number of cases in the city for the month of November. As of November 30, 2020 they have 12.7% of San Antonio’s total cases and 13.4% of the city’s total deaths.

“We would love them to be able to prioritize the areas in Districts 3,4,5 so we can make sure we can continue to serve and protect the areas that are most impacted,” District Three Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran said.

The biggest challenge some residents face is the technology barrier.

“We know the residents in our particular areas are not on social media or they do not have access to registration thru a laptop because they don’t have internet or technology,” District Four Councilwoman Dr. Adriana Rocha Garcia said.

If you’ve said, ‘I qualify’ but you didn’t get the chance to sign up before the slots were gone, you’re not getting left behind.

The Councilwomen for Districts three, four, five and six said they are doing everything they can to reach anyone who is eligible.

“There’s still so many people that still need to get that vaccine,” Viagran said.

“I’m trying to see if we can add a waiting list component to Watch SA list,” Dr. Rocha Garcia said.

Calling them, going door to door,” Gonzales said.

“Phone calls, mailers, whatever we can do,” Cabello Havrda said.4

If you are wondering whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine if you’ve already had the virus, right now the recommendation from Metro Health is yes. However, they said you should wait at least 90 days after having the virus to ensure your body does not fight the vaccine.

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